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Who We Are

At Opus IQ, we’re more than just a consulting firm; we’re your dedicated partner in the world of international business.

About Opus IQ

Leading Global Business Consultancy Firm

We’re your dedicated partner in the world of international business. In today’s interconnected world, being a global citizen is more important than ever. To achieve lasting success, international business expansion is not merely an option; it’s an imperative. Each country has its own unique set of business practices, and navigating this intricate landscape requires expert guidance.

More About Us

Vision & Mission

Our mission is to empower businesses, regardless of where they call home, on their journey to expand into global markets.

To be the unwavering, trusted partner for businesses in the global arena. We’re here to guide, empower, and drive international success, hand in hand with our clients.

Why Choose Us

Provide High-Quality Services

What sets Opus IQ apart is our extensive network and profound connections. Our senior management team is directly linked to over 30 countries, including influential figures such as Royal Families, Politicians, Business Leaders, and NGOs. These invaluable connections enable us to provide unparalleled insights, opportunities, and assistance as you venture into the international marketplace.

Opus IQ is your bridge to the global stage, where we’ll work hand-in-hand to unlock the boundless potential that global markets offer. Join us on this exciting journey, and together, we’ll compose the symphony of success in international business expansion.”

Our Team

Our Professional Team

HRH PRINCE GHARIOS EL CHEMOR OF GHASSAN Head of the Royal House of Ghassan
Expert on Marketing & PR Multi-awarded international humanitarian Awarded author
Dr. E Lance McCarthy
Dr. E Lance McCarthy
Senior Economist Former White House Advisor Havard and TED Talk Lecturer
 Xavier Mitchell
Xavier Mitchell CEO of Publicly Traded Media Conglomerate
Owner of Professional Sports League Hollywood Film Producer Founder of 2 California based Charitable Organizations Awarded Humanitarian

Our Process

Our Working Process

1. Make An Appointment

Start by making an appointment with us, the first step towards resolving your challenges

2. Meet Our Professional

Meet our team of dedicated professionals who are ready to understand and address your unique needs.

3. Your Problem Solved

Experience the satisfaction of having your problems expertly solved through our tailored solutions.

Let's Connect with a Dedicated Consultancy Expert.

Connect with one of our dedicated consultancy experts today. Your journey to success starts with a consultation. Let’s explore opportunities together